
Minggu, 27 April 2008

Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Edition v8.0d USA

Sony Of vegas Of movie Of studio - this is program for the the amateurish of real-time SD, DV, and HDV of nonlinear installation. Powerful, simple and convenient in the work [videoredaktor]. You will only connect video camera or digital camera to your computer, and you will be able to make from the photographed material to make professional clips or entire films, to add to them diverse effects, passages, to make digital signatures, to superimpose musical formulation, to create the unique spectacular of slide- show and much other.

There are programs, not entering the categories customary for the users. One of them - Vegas Of movie Of studio, the same uncommon and all, that emerges from under “the feather” of developers from the former company Of sonic Of foundry, which now work in the composition Of sony. To say that the interface of program is uncommon - will be insufficient. It is not clearly such as in the majority of the programs of the editing of video. In the first turn is obvious the desire of developers to train user to have entire necessary near at hand, without the need for wandering on the menu for the call of one or other module or another or operation. Actually, even a little having worked with the program, you cease to think, where to find one or other tool or another or command - all in sight, and it is accessible in any time.

Possibilities Of vegas Of movie Of studio:

- Addition special of effects, passages, names, and music to your domestic cinema.

- [Izmeninie] of the scale of image, rotation and to [slaydshou] of your photographs, for creating the dynamic to [slaydshou].

- It makes it possible to create your own DVD with the complete menu, the buttons, and the connections.

- The creation of the professionally appearing business presentations

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