
Kamis, 03 April 2008

PCMAV 1.1 Antivirus (CLN Plus RTP)

- BEST ANTIVIRUS : Detect and Clean more wide spreading virus than any other antivirus. Accurate and Thoroughly cleans
without damaging your documents and/or your Windows System.
Documents and System safety is top priotity at PCMAV. PCMAV devs
ate experrs, trained and experinced people that always work hard
with full dedication to bring you a robust dan trustworthy antivirus.
There are no other antivirus that have the same commitment in cleaning
computer viruses.

- EXPERIENCED RESEARCHER: Experinced since 1992, Antivirus devs in PC Media
is a very experienced antivirus developers that are rare in Indonesia.
With this experienced team, we know best how to make the bese antivirus.
PCMAV is fully supported by PC Media, the biggest computer magazine in Indonesia.

- DOUBLE ENGINED : PCMAV engine can be combined with ClamAV engine
to get a better result on detection and virus protection, exceeding
94,000 viruses. The combination of both antivirus is a very powerful

- THOROUGH SCAN: PCMAV does a thorough scan on the system before scanning
the files/folders. With special technology, PCMAV is able to detect and
clean complex viruses active in memory and registry, such as PendekarBlank
ot Brontok, even when those viruses try to protect themselves in memory
or randomly active in the registry. This is important to get a perfect

- ACTIVELY PROTECTS: Our newest ActiveCheck Tehnology on PCMAV Real Time
Protector is designed to immediately check whether a to-be launched file
is clean and prevents virus to spread, even unknown viruses. You don't
have to worry, PCMAV RealTime Protector protects you.

- 100% COMPLETE: DeepClean technology has 100% fix rate on registry and
system files damaged by viruses/trojans/worms or other antivirus' fault.
Viruses is cleaned completely without damaging any files or documents.

- DOCUMENT RECOVERY: SmartUnhide Technology automaticly returns the state
of hidden documents because of virus infections such as Moonlight,
Fluburung or PendekarBlank without damaging or deleting the file/document

- UNKNOWN VIRUSES DETECTION : GeneticHeuristic Technology effectively detects
new unknown viruses

- USABILITY : PCMAV has a very easy to navigate user interface and menus

- LIGHT : PCMAV is pretty light on memory and other resources consumption

- NO INSTALLATION NEEDED : PCMAV is small dan portable, you can launch it
without installing. Suitable for emergency use using USB flash disk.

- UP TO DATE DETECTION TECHNOLOGY: Various virus detection technology is used
such as pattern matching, code analysis and hashing.

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